Tuesday, July 15, 2008


That would be 17 days till the Breaking Dawn release and 18 days till we head for Arizona. Yikes. I'm wishing time would move faster for the first reason and slowwwwer for the second. Unfortunately, altering time is not a super-power I possess, so if you know anyone who does please let me know. I am willing to trade my distance-altering power, temporarily.

Getting so close to the deadline, my brain is scrambling for the last million things I want to do. No, not the things I NEED to do. I'm not scrambling to find a job or get stuff packed (Although our packing situation is weird...we're only taking the absolute necessities, which will remain absolutely neccessary until the day we leave, therefore cannot be packed until the very last minute. Everything else is up for grabs.), as I probably should be. Right now all I want to do is visit the people that we will not see again for a too-long period of time, catch up on all the Columbus treasures that we have not yet experienced and take lots of pictures. :( Luckily, we got all of the typical arrangements out of the way several months ago and now actually have the time to just dawdle. Thank goodness.

Oh, I got a new haircut. This photo was the day after and I loved it like that, but cannot manage to replicate the style... phoo.

We've been kitty-sitting this little girl for a week now:

She is 90% sweet, 10% pure evil. She usually sleeps across the top of my head like a kitty crown (similar to what she's doing in this picture) and puts her paws on my forehead. She purrs a lot and vibrates my pillow, which makes me laugh and keeps her awake, which keeps her purring. So I'm not getting a whole lot of sleep with her there, but I am having a lot of fun. Last night, however, she decided to try to eat my head. She was curled up in her usual position, chomping away at my scalp with her two little fangs and it hurt SO MUCH. I *lovingly* hurled her across the room every time she did it, so she eventually got the point and stopped. Around 5:30am I got concerned that I didn't hear her purring and thought maybe I'd launched her into a wall and broken all her delicate kitten bones so I sat up to look for her... only to find she'd taken up residence around Sam's head. Apparently his hair is not as tasty as mine, lucky guy. When he woke up you'd have thought the tooth fairy left him a million dollars, he was so excited to find the furbaby nestled around his head.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

he he...aww, lovely furbaby! =) I am jealous! Annnd...so happy you like the stamp! Yay! If I could fabricate em myself, I totally would..lol..but, you know...that would require some mechanical parts and it all would be way too complicated. =) Happy day!