Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm back after taking a bit of a scrapbooking sabbatical to read the Twilight Saga two or three times in a row... That's probably a sabbatical I'll take every few months, anytime I start forgetting minute details and need a several-thousand-page reminder. :) My husband is so ridiculously understanding when I find a new book and get so engrossed that he doesn't see/hear me for a few days. I would probably be like "hey, hey! pay attention to me!!" but he just occupies himself and when he really needs to say something he's okay with repeating it a few times until I come out of my fiction-induced fog. Hmm, he's so great. I always feel bad when I get on a scrapbooking roll and stay up for hours after he goes to bed, so last night he got ready for bed and then came to tell me to stay up as late as I need to. hehehe, not that I need permission, but it did make me feel better. :)

In other news: the downtown library just changed their parking garage prices so you can park for free if it's under an hour!!!!!!!! I know, isn't that thrilling? It actually is, to me. I was 20 seconds late returning to my parking meter, once, and I got a $20 ticket. Oooh, I was furious. But now I'll be parking in the garage for free on probably EVERY lunch break. Mmm, books.


Chez said...

dear Ms MJ2, yes you have missed much *snort!

Mikes as in MHL.......YES! Oh how I heart it. if you like lemon aid or lime drinks you wil love them for sure. I swear you would think they had no alcohol in them. Which can be bad at times LOL!

When are you moving? I need an address update once you get settled!

NurseDeah said...

Let me interject something in regards to the last comment... Me and Chez... yea, we like the Mike's, lol. Good stuff! Go for it. You'll love it.

Also, I wish I liked to read. Other than school books (which I don't LIKE to read) I don't really read anything, and I hate that about me. So yea, good for you!