Monday, March 16, 2009

Why do I get total writers block the moment I open blogger? On Xanga thoughts always poured out so easily that I had to repeatedly edit every post. I suppose it is the possibility that any literate human being has the opportunity to read this blog that keeps my fingers tied. Not that I assume my audience could fill Carnegie Hall, of course. They probably wouldn't even fill a station wagon. But still, they could and I would never know it. [jitters] Oh well. Setting that hangup aside...

My job is still metamorphosing so much; each month I have new responsibilities to take on, new projects and assignments, new clients to meet, new properties to visit and photograph, new industry lessons to learn. I am a very DIY type of person and always want to try it myself before going to anyone for help. If I can figure it out on my own (as I can 80% of the time) I would rather not interupt anyone else. And I WILL get it done on time no matter what it takes.
With that being said: Last month was incredibly overwhelming. I had way too much on my plate and didn't know how to tackle most of it or prioritize any of it. I was asking for help a lot and delegating whenever possible (tricky business with only one person occasionally available to delegate to) and still at the end of my rope. When I sat down with my boss, later, to discuss how the new projects were going I hated to tell him how overwhelmed I was, but it had to be told. His reaction was unexpected; he laughed. He said he knew I was in over my head and thought I would learn the most that way. Like tossing a baby in a swimming pool. I'm still processing how I feel about such treatment, but the fact that he was willing to risk using the swimming pool education method with such critical projects involved is something that makes me ponder what aptitude he see in me that I don't see in myself.
Ah yes, questions. Anyway.. Creative things are happening here and it is good. Scary, yes. But scary is good.

1 comment:

Doom For Darlings said...

Ah, I missed your updates! Your job sounds a lot like my last one, which occasionally killed me but also me things I will never forget (and gave me things like tough skin and polite sarcasm :) I think that while it's unusual, it's good to see that A:) Your boss felt comfortable trusting you that much and B:) He was still very aware of what was going on. I'm sure you were still doing well, despite being overwhelmed. Because you're great :)