Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today was one of my bi-monthly 5 am meetings that bring such joy to my life. Haha, actually I really enjoy doing them- it's a ton of work and I have to get there at 4:30 am but I get this bizarre pre-dawn energy high that keeps me awake until about noon, at which time I get to go home and crash. Today when I got home I lasted about an hour before falling into a coma I didn't think I'd wake from for a day. You know how that goes, when you feel like you're wearing an x-ray smock on your whole body and you can hardly breathe because your lungs are exhausted? Yeah, it's great. That was me, until...our neighbors started screaming at each other so loudly and violently that it woke me from a dead sleep. Keep in mind our apartment is built of 1 foot thick concrete on all sides (sounds lovely, eh?) and we call it 'the bomb shelter' for a reason. Yet somehow this murderously angry couple managed to wake me up despite all that. Wow. It was scary. What do you do with something like that? Is this an issue of domestic violence? Are we supposed to report this? It was pretty scary and I wasn't even involved.

1 comment:

Dan Smitley said...

yeah i would call the cops for domestic disturbance. sarah and i had to do that once while we were in MV to make sure it didnt get to domestic violence.