Monday, April 13, 2009

Alright, for those of you who have been waiting for something to go wrong with this spectacular job of mine, wait no longer. A couple weeks ago something finally went spectacularly, dazzlingly wrong. I know you're excited that even dream jobs go awry but please hold your applause. Maybe three weeks ago my boss and I were discussing the future of our department and where I'll be once we open the new office. All was fine and dandy until he mentioned they wanted me to manage a client support department at the new location. Uh what? Isn't that like going from coloring to doing algebra- in Alaska?! Probably not in reality, but it was a huge change from what I'm doing now and would mean a totally non-creative position and a 45 minute commute at 5:00 am. Cool, huh? My life just about ended right there. I had no idea what I could do to foil this plan that sounded like concrete. So I came home every day and cried and Sam and I wrote out things I could say that wouldn't cost me my job, when I worked up the nerve to talk to my boss about it. It. Was. Miserable.
But this is why you held your applause: a week or so later my boss asked me what I thought about his plan and if we could discuss it some more because he knew I was interested in where things were going. I said about two sentences and the world turned right side up again. When I say I love my job it is 30% what I do and 70% the people I do it for. He was immediately on board with my issue and realized where the plan had gone wrong and we were discussing other options. I must say, thank you Jesus. I can't get over how well that worked out. Somebody should really clone this guy, because he is the polar opposite of every boss I've ever heard about and every company needs people like him.
I feel like I probably have more news than that, but there is very little in my life that compares to the misery of those weeks and the elation when it was over. Well...I may be able to audition for Wheel of Fortune this weekend...then that would compare.
Last week Mom and Dad came for my birthday and we squeezed all four of us into our miniature apartment and all managed to have way too much fun. It was so awesome.
Yeah, that's pretty much the scoop. I don't understand how kids these days (can't you just hear some curmudgeonly old guy saying that?) can text day in and day out because just typing this much on my phone (with a full keyboard) is enough to make me question my sanity. Blech. Crazy young'ns.
Time for dinner, y'all!

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