Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Anybody have a spare toddler I could borrow?

No, seriously, I need one. This morning I woke up rather early and was all excited that I'd get to sit down and have a bowl of cereal (as opposed to my bagel-in-the-car routine). I mean, w00t! I don't often get to eat cereal before 7:00 pm.

So I got out my nutritious breakfast supplies (juice, cereal, bowl, spoon, glass- check!), poured my juice, poured my cereal, poured my milk... and this is where a toddler could have come in handy.

"Where do I pour the juice?"
"In the glass."
"Where do I pour the cereal?"
"In the bowl."
"Where do I pour the milk?"
"In the BOWL!"

I definitely poured milk right into my apple juice. And did I just stand there, dazed, wondering what was wrong with the breakfast in front of me? Why yes, yes I did.

I think I'll stick with my bagel-in-the-car routine. That's hard to mess up. Unless I accidentally put hummus or Sam's favorite eggplant paste on a blueberry bagel... Oh, the possibilities!


Chez said...

you'er so funny MJ2! of course send me your addy....I'll send you whoreish goodies too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I just read a bunch of yours too and oh my gosh you crack me up!! I'm off to read more!!!

Unknown said...

That is hilarious! Where are the pictures of this? You totally need to scrap that. I think you should try cereal again. I can't imagine starting the day with out it!

Michelle said...

Sorry, Jenna is my sister and its too early in the morning for me to notice that she left herself signed onto her account. I'm a goober.